At a glance

A fibroadenoma is an entirely harmless, benign growth that develops inside the breast tissue. It is rare for fibroadenomas to expand over 5 cm, and they usually feel like rubbery or tough marbles moving under the skin in the breast. Some fibroadenomas are barely noticeable and sometimes very tiny. Fibroadenomas arise due to a rise in hormones, pregnancy or puberty. As soon as a woman enters menopause, the fibroadenoma shrinks.

These growths are painless and are often felt during a physical exam of the breasts. This condition does not signal any danger as most people undergo surgery for the following indications: pain and discomfort, concerns relating to a mass larger than 5cm, or clinical suspicion for cancer and cosmetic reasons.

How to prepare for the procedure

Before surgery, Dr Maraj will conduct investigations to evaluate the lump to check if it resembles a fibroadenoma or there are features suggestive of cancer. Dr Maraj will request an ultrasound or mammogram for further evaluation and may also request radiological markings of the area for the lumpectomy. The precise markings on the breast indicate where the incision will be made. The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia.

What the surgical excision of the fibroadenoma involves

Dr Maraj will remove the fibroadenoma by making an incision that will be hidden in the areola. A cut in the shape of a frown/smile allows a faster recovery and reduces the scars postoperatively. A noticeable fibroadenoma is removed easily along with a tissue margin for biopsy purposes.

What to expect post-procedure

After surgery, your doctor prescribes pain medication and provides post-operative instructions about caring for any surgical drains, if any and overall wound care. Additionally, wearing a sports/support bra is beneficial in helping reduce pain. This is merely a basic guide; Dr Maraj will be able to provide you with further information should you need it.

Risks & complications

Guidelines and protocols are followed to prevent complications. However, there are risks with any surgery. Possible complications include bleeding, pain and discomfort, infection, development of scar tissue, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.


This website was designed to offer information relating to surgical conditions. Dr Amisha Maraj will not be liable for any patient who misinterepts the content, or any inaccuracy, misconceptions, oversights or omissions on this website. In the event of an emergency please go to your nearest casualty or Life Brenthurst casualty. If you are concerned that you have symptoms or a medical illness please seek urgent appropriate healthcare.