At a glance

PEG, known as percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, is the surgical placement of a feeding tube to assist in feeding. The placement of a PEG tube assists with the intake of nutrients, particularly when one cannot ingest food orally or experiences difficulty in swallowing. Enteral feeding is a process whereby peg tubes, also known as g-tubes, are used for the stomach to receive nutrients directly.

Patients who require a PEG tube cannot swallow properly due to:

  • Head trauma
  • Loss of appetite
  • Head/neck cancer
  • Stroke
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Being unconscious

How to prepare for the procedure

Meeting with Dr Maraj before placing a PEG tube is crucial. This is a time for you to bring up questions regarding the procedure.

You will be requested to stop consuming fluids and food hours before placing the PEG tube. An ideal way to insert a PEG tube that is less invasive is by using an endoscope. You will receive antibiotics to reduce infection.

What the placement of a PEG tube and care involves

Dr Maraj creates tiny incisions along the abdomen and inserts the tubes through these cuts to connect in the stomach. The whole procedure is performed endoscopically.

Care of the tubes occurs day-to-day. Dr Maraj cleans the incision area near the PEG tube. Sterilise the incision site to prevent the build-up of crust around the tube. Use soap and plain water to clean the area regularly.

What to expect post-procedure

Placing the PEG tube is a day procedure which means you can go home directly after surgery. Only in some cases, patients return home the morning after. This is merely a basic guide; Dr Maraj will be able to provide you with further information should you need it. You may experience pain and expect some drainage at the incision site.

Risks & complications

Guidelines and protocols are followed to prevent complications. However, there are risks with any surgery. The following are risks associated with PEG placement, such as pain, discomfort, leakage near the PEG tube, bleeding, infection of the wound and stomach and other anaesthetic related complications.


This website was designed to offer information relating to surgical conditions. Dr Amisha Maraj will not be liable for any patient who misinterepts the content, or any inaccuracy, misconceptions, oversights or omissions on this website. In the event of an emergency please go to your nearest casualty or Life Brenthurst casualty. If you are concerned that you have symptoms or a medical illness please seek urgent appropriate healthcare.